
こだわり派の大人たちはもちろん、早熟のファッショニスタたちに大人気のグッチのチルドレンズコレクションが2012年春夏シーズンをスタート。3月7日には伊勢丹新宿店 6Fで日本初の百貨店で の展開がスタートする.

2010年に世界の主要都市及びグッチ銀座でスタートしたグッチのキッズ向けライン、グッチ チルドレンズコレクション。グッチテイストはそのままに子供が楽しめるようデザインされたコレクショ ンは、こだわり派のお父さんお母さんに話題沸騰

! まだ4シーズン目ながらもチルドレンズウェアの定番として支持を集めている。

そんなグッチ チルドレンズコレクションの2012春夏シーズンが3月7日(水)からスタート! しかも、今シーズンから新生児?ベビー(0~36カ月)とジュニア(4歳~12歳)に向けた幅広いサ イズ展開となり、一層充実したコレクションを披


今シーズンのテーマはリトルトラベラー。男の子はゴールドボタンの軽快なピーコートとストライプのTシャツ、ホワイトパンツを合わせたマリンルック、上質素材のサファリジャケットにコットン ポプリンのバミューダパンツをコーディネイトし



>GUCCI/グッチ ショルダーバッグ/グッチシマレザー レディース/GG TWINS/オフホワイト【2012春夏新作】> GUCCI/グッチ トートバッグ/グッチシマレザー レディース/GG TWINS/ブラック(2サイズ可選)【2012春夏新作】【人気商品】Gucci/グッチ バッグ レディース/グッチGG ボストンバッグ/VINTAGE WEB/ベージュxレッド>


miumiu 5m1109 cipria,锝猴桨锞併儭銉炽偤70432,ソーホー オプティック,miumiu 034,

Gucci Watches&Ladies Gucci Watches transcend the basic functions of a timepiece and have become works of art revered by fashion enthusiasts worldwide. Representing the very best of Swiss craftsmanship, these designer watches are renowned for advanced quality, unparalleled accuracy and a consistency of detail and style.
Founded in the early 20th century by Guccio Gucci as a small luggage and saddler business in Florence, this designer company has evolved into a leader of luxury fashion. Gucci watches were first developed in the early 1970s through collaboration with Severin Montres, a Swiss company. In 1997, Severin Montres was purchased by the luxury designer company and eventually became Gucci Watch Group, which includes the fashionable watches of Boucheron, Yves Saint Laurent and Bedat & Co.
Many elements make the watches from this company highly desirable to both men and ladies. Combining the innovative Italian design and styling to the high quality and precision of Swiss watch making craftsmanship, these watches are appreciated for their elegance and excellence. Made from stainless steel, precious metals and precious gems, these watches possess a beauty that transcends them beyond typical quartz timepieces.
Of course, as with most luxury items, Gucci watches can come at a high cost. This gives these watches an exclusivity appreciated by those who purchase them. Prices can range from several hundred to several thousands of dollars. However, a search online can uncover unexpected deals. Online dealers will sometimes discount their stock. Used and vintage luxury pieces can be found frequently on online auction sites.
Whether you"re considering purchasing a Gucci watch for yourself or as an exquisite gift to someone special, you"ll find the high quality craftsmanship and artistic fashionable styling to be both exciting and seductive.

Gucci Watches&Ladies Gucci Watches

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